
Attack of the Earthlings [Announcement & Trailer]

Aliens are always the villains in games, right? They’re weird and green and never have enough hair to cover their big, ugly heads. But what if we were the bad guys all along? Attack of the Earthlings lands on February 8th 2018, via Steam, to finally show us that hairy humans were the problem all along! Attack of the Earthlings is a turn-based, single player game where you, the native alien, need to defend your homeland. The invading Galactoil Corporation have an evil and, frankly, unsustainable business plan: travel the Universe and mine the unsuspecting plants for all they're worth. Unfortunately for the aliens, that's quite a lot! The last thing they were expecting, however, was for the native alien population to rise and defend their home planet. The Swarmers, insectoid aliens, instead of trying to negotiate with the humans have devised a much more elegant solution: eat them.


Ever wanted to eat humans as an insect alien? Well, here's your chance!

Developed by Junkfish, Attack of the Humans is an addictive mix of dark humour and classic sci-fi that we’re itching get our hands on! Our evil, human hands!


Attack of the Earthlings on Steam

Written by Laura Elmer


Coffee Crisis [Announcement & Trailer]


Brand new, classic-style beat-em-up from Mega Cat Studios: Coffee Crisis. Player-controlled baristas have to fight-off The Smurglians, an invading alien horde. Their goal is to take our Wi-Fi, cat videos, heavy metal and all the best coffee. That's a problem. Coffee Crisis, which is set for PC release via Steam in February 2018, is an authentic replication of our most treasured gaming memories. As such, it's been previously released on Sega Genesis - yes, really - following a successful Kickstarter Campaign. It features beautifully built levels based on real-life Pittsburg, interactable environments, a variety of combarants, and unlockable minigames. The heavy metal soundtrack, composed by Pittsburg's own Greywalker, exemplifies the the jittery high-energy we expect from the title.


Mega Cat Studios are a small development team with a lot of heart, and one goal: to keep the dream of gaming. Whether they're building a high-tech VR title or NES games, (cartridge and all), they consider their name to be a stamp of quality on everything they produce.

The Brit in me wants to know when the Tea version is coming out, but the gamer in me doesn't care. We look forward to getting our hands on Coffee Crisis as soon as we're able.


Mega Cat Studio's Homepage

Written by Liam Taylor Source:

Two Point Hospital [Announcement & Trailer]


Today SEGA Europe Ltd revealed Two Point Hospital, spiritual successor to 1997's Theme Hospital - a much-loved Bullfrog classic. Developed by Two Point Studios, the new hospital management simulator is due for release in late 2018, and promises stay true to Theme Hospital's wacky humor and addictive mechanics. Players will design stunning hospitals with specialist diagnosis and treatment facilities; cure (and profit from) peculiar illnesses; research illnesses, develop new treatments to beat rival healthcare companies; and juggle the demands of troublesome staff with strong personalities. You can even work with or against friends and other players in collaborative research projects or competitive multiplayer.


“We’re delighted to finally announce the fruits of our partnership with Two Point Studios and reveal Two Point Hospital to the world,” said John Clark, Executive Vice President of Publishing for SEGA Europe. “We’re committed to finding and working with the best new studios, ones that fit with SEGA’s ethos to deliver new IP with strong franchise potential. Two Point Studios’ vision for Two Point Hospital and their ambitions for it fit perfectly with that notion and we look forward to releasing their game later this year.”

Now all we need is that Dungeon Keeper III we keep dreaming about.


Two Point Hospital's HomepageTwo Point Hospital on Steam

Written by Liam Taylor
