Salt Lick City [ep86 ft Richard Jackson]

Richard Jackson of Val Verde Broadcasting joins Liam & Ben to answer questions from The Hat. In this episode we re-cast films with the actors from other films; we open up our own food cart and we get songs stuck in our head.

Listen to this episode from The Conversation Hat on Spotify. Richard Jackson of Val Verde Broadcasting joins Liam & Ben to answer questions from The Hat. In this episode we re-cast films with the actors from other films; we open up our own food cart and we get songs stuck in our head.

Find Richard on Twitter or check out Val Verde on YouTube.



The Bristol Stool Chart is a chart, (duh), that allows doctors and patience to diagnose likely issues by studying the consistency, colour and shape of one’s backdoor creations.

“it's a good thing to take a look every now and again to see what's going on in the toilet. The size, texture, and colour of your poop can tell you a lot about what's going on in your body. And it will vary depending on lots of factors” Read more on

As discussed in the show, Richard thought it would be a really good idea to ask his dear mother to recreate said Stool Chart in cake form. I know what you’re thinking but, no, lemon-flavoured.


Our plan is that this show will always be available for free, but super fans are encouraged to support The Conversation Hat via Patreon. We ask listeners to consider how much they pay for services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc, and apply the same logic to our show - do you feel our show is worth $1 a month? $5? $50? Whatever you think is right! We’re giving all our patrons an exclusive extra question from each episode and early access to each show. There’s also stickers and stuff. Check it out over on Patreon.

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Alternatively, we’re pleased to announce the Conversation Hat Merch Store on TeePublic! We have shirts, hoodies, mugs and yes, of course, face masks!

If those aren’t your thing, then maybe this is for you: Super Loot want to deliver a box of nerdy merch and geek chic to your doorstep each month, and will do so for £19.99, (you can get your first one for £15!) Take a look, right flippin' now. Please.

Or, if you'd like to support the show without spending any money, (which is fine by the way, I suppose), there are a few ways you can do that: feel free to follow us on Twitter and retweet anything you see us post; like us on Facebook and hit as many thumbs-up icons as you possibly can; Follow Odd Creative on YouTube, where you can watch some Conversation Hat videos and leave some nice comments too; leaving us a positive review on whatever listening platform you use is also massively helpful, especially so on iTunes.

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The Conversation Hat is hosted by Ben Pierson and Liam Taylor, and edited by Laura Elmer. 

Music by Liam Taylor.

Logo by Cheyenne Betts.

The Conversation Hat is created and managed by Odd Creative Ltd.