OK, so, that was quite a week. Right now we're stuck in hell, (yes, actual hell), indefinitely to work on Series 2 - ALSO! Thanks for sticking around for Series 1! What a wild ride. Season 2 will return in the new year, but remember to find us on Facebook and Twitter for updates and stuff in the interim.
We also spoke about the Film Theory episode in which they discuss the idea that there is no Blair Witch, and the two fellers in the movie are actually the murderers - say whaaaa...
Our plan is that this show will always be available for free, but super fans are encouraged to support The Conversation Hat via Patreon. We ask listeners to consider how much they pay for services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc, and apply the same logic to our show - do you feel our show is worth $1 a month? $5? $50? Whatever you think is right! Also there’s loads of cool stuff you can only get here: www.patreon.com/conversationhat
If patronage isn't your thing, then maybe this is for you: Super Loot want to deliver a box of nerdy merch and geek chic to your doorstep each month, and will do so for £19.99, (you can get your first one for £15!) Take a look, right flippin' now. Please. www.superloot.co.uk/ConversationHat
Or, if you'd like to support the show without spending any money, (which is fine by the way, I suppose), there are a few ways you can do that: feel free to follow us on Twitter and retweet anything you see us post; like us on Facebook and hit as many thumbs-up icons as you possibly can; Follow Odd Creative on YouTube, where you can watch some Conversation Hat videos and leave some nice comments too; leaving us a positive review on whatever listening platform you use is also massively helpful, especially so on iTunes.
For updates and such, you can sign-up to our mailing list right here: eepurl.com/bNX8A1
Super Loot will deliver a box of nerdy merch and geek stuff to your doorstep every month, and will do so for only £19.99 a month, (you can get your first one for £15!) Super Loot are featuring our unboxing video on their homepage right now, so you should go take a gander. www.superloot.co.uk/ConversationHat
The Conversation Hat is hosted by Ben Pierson and Liam Taylor, and edited by Laura Elmer.
Artwork by Rebecca Timmons.
Music by Liam Taylor.
The Conversation Hat is created and managed by Odd Creative Ltd.