We're thrilled to welcome Tez Ilyas to the Conversation Hat this week to discuss: How do I get home? Why is Biscoff in everything? Which 12-year-old girls Ben has beef with; & much more!
Making their triumphant return this week is Martin, who you may know better as Tantacrul! He joins us to talk about: Which animal would give the worst milk? Where would you like to be a fly on the wall? & much more!
In this week's episode we welcome Daryl of the Desperate Fleas on to the show to answer: How many McNuggs could you eat? How did Hannibal beat Chilton? Something about self and loved ones? Ovens... & loads more!
In today's episode of The Conversation Hat, Liam & Ben must: Recruit their space-faring team! & nothing else. That's all this episode is. Don't worry about it.
In this episode of The B Show Ben & Liam discuss books and authors they've enjoyed in the past and other's they look forward to indulging in. Liam reveals too much about his problematic brain, and Ben takes control of a book store.